
  • Interest_Rate: String. Name of the Interest Rate price factor for discounting


  • Currency: String. The associated currency for this curve
  • Curve: Curve object specifying the continuously compounded interest rate
  • Day_Count: String. Either ACT_365 or ACT_360. The daycount convention for this curve
  • Sub_Type: Optional String can be null or set to BasisSpread if this curve is a spread over its parent


  • Surface: Curve object consisting of (moneyness, expiry, tenor, volatility) quads. Flatextrapolated and linearly interpolated. All Floats.


  • Surface: Curve object consisting of (moneyness, expiry, tenor, volatility) quads. Flat extrapolated and linearly interpolated. All Floats.
  • Property_Aliases: list of key value pairs specifying additional options e.g. Specification of a shifted black scholes value via BlackScholesDisplacedShiftValue